Saturday, January 16, 2010

Making good progress!

Current Position @ 11:00 GMT: North 07*03'075 East 089*28'105 Course: 261*T

The winds have been steadily building to around 20 knots so we've been making great time even getting speeds up to 8.5 knots when surfing down waves! The seas have also built so we're rolling around a lot with the sails still winged out on either side but at least the waves our coming from behind so no problems there. Our wind vane is still doing a great job at steering for us so we just have to sit back and keep a look out for ships and fishing boats. We had a near miss today as a tanker was on a direct course for us...we haven't seen anything for four days and then this guy is coming straight for us...luckily Jimmy was able to hail them on the VHF radio and they altered their course to miss us, I guess we have a lot of that to look forward to as we get closer to Sri Lanka!

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